Intervistato / Geoffrey Raisman

Geoffrey Raisman, è professore di rigenerazione neuronica all’University College London e direttore della Spinal Repair Unit all’Istituto di neurologia. Si è laureato in medicina a Oxford, ha studiato ad Harvard ed è stato per molti anni a capo della Divisione di neurobiologia al Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London. Le sue riceche hanno reventemente condotto alla scoperta che una popolazione di staminali adulte del sistema olfattivo potrebbero fornire un primo metodo pere curare lesioni al midollo spinale, ictus e cecità.Geoffrey Raisman, FRS, Professor of Neural Regeneration at University College London and Director of the Spinal Repair Unit at the Institute of Neurology. He has a medical degree from Oxford, studied at Harvard, and was for many years Head of the Division of Neurobiology at the Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London. His research recently led to his discovery that an adult stem population in the olfactory system may provide the first method for repair of incurable injuries of the spinal cord, stroke and blindness.

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