Autore / Margaret Harper McCarthy

Margaret Harper McCarthy si è laureata in teologia al Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II della Università Lateranense a Roma, nel 1994. Il suo insegnamento e i suoi scritti riguardano vari temi connessi alla teologia antropologica, relativi specialmente alla questione della differenza sessuale: Imago Dei, la persona, l’uguaglianza, l’esperienza, così come il problema dell’amore ( “eros-agape). Dal 1992 insegna al John Paul II Institute della Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., dove dirige il Centro per la Ricerca pastorale e culturale. Fa anche parte della redazione dell’edizione in inglese di Communio: International Catholic Review.Margaret Harper McCarthy received her doctoral degree in theology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, the Lateran University in Rome (1994). Since then her teaching and writing has focused on various themes belonging to theological anthropology especially in their relation to the question of sexual difference: the imago Dei, person, equality, experience, as well as the problem of love (the “eros-agape problem”). She has been teaching at the John Paul II Institute at The Catholic University of America , Washington D.C. since 1992. She is also Director of the Center for Cultural and Pastoral Research and serves on the editorial board of the English edition of Communio: International Catholic Review.

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