Intervistato / Aldo Trento

Aldo Trento è nato nel 1946. È dal 1989 uno dei più noti missionari della Fraternità San Carlo Borromeo in Paraguay dove fra l’altro è responsabile di una clinica per malati terminali di Asunción. Ha curato la mostra a Rimini presso il Meeting per l’amicizia fra i popoli del 2009 sulle Reducciones in ParaguayFather Aldo Trento was born in 1946. Since 1989, he is one of the best-known missionaries of the Society of St. Charles Borromeo in Paraguay. He curated the exhibit at the 2009 Rimini Meeting for Friendship among Peoples on the Jesuit Reductions of 1600 in Paraguay, which he has taken as an inspiration for his work. The parish of San Rafael in Asunción has about 10,000 inhabitants and is home to an exemplary center that has so far served 14,000 patients, as well as operating a kindergarten, an elementary school, a farm employing non-terminal AIDS patients, two small houses for orphaned children with AIDS and a home for the elderly. Feed RSS

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