Intervistato / Haytham Manna

Haytham Manna è nato in Siria e attualmente si trova in esilio a Parigi. E’ portavoce del National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change e dell’Arab Commission for Human Rights, due associazioni attive nella difesa dei diritti umani. Tra i riconoscimenti di cui è stato insignito per il suo impegno, quello di Human Rights Watch nel 1992 e la medaglia della National Academy of Sciences di Washington nel 1996.Haytham Manna was born in Syria and is currently in exile in Paris. He is the spokesman for the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change and the Arab Commission for Human Rights, two associations active in defending human rights. Among the awards he has been awarded are the Human Rights Watch Award in 1992 and the medal of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington in 1996.

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