Intervistato / Samir Khalil Samir

Samir Khalil Samir, sj, nato al Cairo nel 1938 e formatosi in Francia e in Olanda, vive a Beirut, dove insegna in diverse facoltà dell´università Saint-Joseph e dove ha fondato il Cedrac, Centre de documentation et de recherches arabes chrétiennes. È stato visiting professor alla Georgetown University di Washington, alla Sophia University di Tokio e alle università del Cairo, di Betlemme, di Graz e di Torino. Ha promosso e dirige la collana Patrimoine arabe chrétien, edita al Cairo e poi a Beirut, è condirettore della rivista di orientalistica Parole de l´Orient, pubblicata in Libano. È presidente dell´International Association for Christian Arabic Studies. È autore di 40 volumi e più di 500 articoliSamir Khalil Samir, SJ, was born in Cairo in 1938 and was educated in France and in Holland. He lives in Beirut, where he teaches in different faculties of the Saint Joseph University, where he founded Cedrac, Centre de documentation et de recherches arabes chrétiennes. He was a visiting professor at Georgetown University, at the Sophia University in Tokyo and at the Universities of Cairo, Bethlehem, Graz and Turin. He organized and directed a series on Arab Heritage, published in Cairo and then in Beirut, and he is co-editor of the magazine Parole de l'Orient, published in Lebanon. He is president of the International Association for Christian Arabic Studies, and he is the author of 40 books and over 500 articles. Feed RSS

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